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When contacting me please introduce yourself, know that manners are a must with me.

Only contact me if you're serious about meeting and following my protocol.  I enjoy meeting new people so  please know  that I am a safe smart exciting choice for you!


I'm only looking to meet discreet gentlemen who will keep our encounter just between the two us.

I will never be inebriated and I expect the same of you. One cocktail is one thing four is a whole different ballgame. 

You can count on me to always be on my A Game and acting accordingly I will never be loud or embarrass you and I appreciate the same behavior.

Do  not attempt to negotiate or haggle with me that will forfeit any opportunity you may have had to visit with me.


 I offer my time only, wherever the journey takes us you will enjoy it.

Anything that transpires between us will be of a non aggressive nature, treat me respectfully.

Please write to me without using text talk or acronyms. I'm a complete sentences kind of gal :).


Please be neat and clean and you must be (cut), deodorized, brushed, flossed and scrubbed diggety.

If you're not feeling well please wait until you are well to book with me.


I am not available in the middle of the night, I am sleeping.


If you're a cigarette smoker please refrain as much as you can prior to meeting with me.

I cannot accommodate heavy cigarette smokers.


I am a non cigarette smoker and you can count on me to always be clean and smelling good.


If I am hosting  which will only be if I am touring  please come appropriately dressed casual, business casual, business suit. Please also bring something with you like a manila folder or spiral notebook, something that looks like you have intent to be there like you're going into a meeting.





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